How to Treat Snoring

How to Treat Snoring

Find out why this seemingly innocuous bedtime habit should be treated.

Snoring is a problem that happens to a lot of people. While the occasion snoring-riddled sleep may not be a cause for snoringconcern, if you are someone who is snoring loudly and often then our New Canaan and Norwalk, CT, ENT doctor, Dr. Andrew Parker, is here to tell you why it’s a good idea to treat this sleep issue right away.

Why should you treat snoring?

Most people assume that snoring is just an annoying habit but nothing to really worry about; however, your evening snore sessions could be trying to tell you that you have a more serious health problem. After all, the majority of people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are also chronic, loud snorers.

If you are someone who snores regularly, if you find yourself fighting daylong exhaustion, if you find yourself prone to mood swings or if you have trouble concentrating these could all be signs of OSA and you should be evaluated by our New Canaan and Norwalk otolaryngologist as soon as possible.

If you decide not to treat this problem this could lead to some potentially serious issues for your health. Untreated OSA has been linked to numerous health problems including diabetes, heart attack, hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke and heart disease. Plus, those who fight the daytime exhaustion that comes with OSA are also less likely to perform as well at work and are prone to injuries (e.g. car accidents; work-related injuries). To prevent these problems from happening it’s important that you seek an evaluation if you are someone who snores regularly.

How can an ENT specialist help?

Here at Parker Ear, Nose & Throat, we offer a solution known as the Pillar Procedure to safely eliminate snoring and to even provide relief for those dealing with mild-to-moderate OSA. This is a great option for someone who hates the idea of wearing a facemask to bed every night in order to treat their snoring and OSA.

Instead, this quick and minimally invasive procedure targets excess soft palate tissue, which can be responsible for OSA. When you come into our office for this procedure we will first apply a local anesthesia to numb the area. Then small implants are placed into the soft palate where over time the implants will help to stiffen the soft palate to prevent the vibrations responsible for snoring while also keeping the tissue from collapsing and obstructing the airways (another common issue for those with OSA).

If you are living in Norwalk or New Canaan, CT, and are looking for an effective way to treat your snoring issues then give us a call today. Parker Ear, Nose & Throat would be happy to discuss your options with you to help you finally catch those ZZZs.